A feature branch typically helps you to isolate your changes from the other team as you make and test these changes. Branch a feature branch or base branch.To push to GitHub you make a push request to update your local commits to your remote repository. Push is used to transfer commits made on a local repository to a GitHub remote repository.A commit has a commit message that allows you to have a brief description of the changes you are making. If you happen to make a wrong change, you can revert the commit and your remote repository will be as it was before you made the changes. With GitHub, every commit you make has a specific signature/ID the keeps the record of the changes you have made. Committing saves edits/changes to our GitHub repository. Commits are changes made to a repository.Clone is downloading a copy of the remote repository to local computer.Remote a repository on GitHub account exists as a remote repository.Forks allows you to make your contributions to a team project. Once the changes on your forked repository are validated, you can submit these changes as contributions to the original project. Forks allows you have to have a repository of a project that you do not own on your GitHub account so that you can make some changes without affecting the original repository. Fork is a copy of a repository of someone’s else project.Before we get started, you need to understand the following terms, as you will constantly come across them in daily GitHub workflow.
Check these instructions on how to create a GitHub user account. This article assumes that you have a GitHub account.

In this article, we shall briefly look at how we can submit work and contributions to a GitHub team project.